Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Deanna Jones Saga...Part I

Deanna Jones...a name that will always send shivers down my spine, and gut wrenching memories when her name is said around me. My family and friends find the story hilarious, and I finally just now am able to laugh about it.

Deanna Jones was a black girl. Some would say, your typical, ghetto, tongue slinging, everyone hating, black girl...she might have been that. But, she was so much more. More than anyone, including Deanna Jones, will ever know. My 5th grade year, we had just moved to a new city. A city in which whites and blacks lived. I had never lived in such a place before. The cities we chose to dwell in were dominated by the white race, with a few Spanish people scattered about. So, I was excited! Real, live....black people! I'd only seen them on the Dallas Cowboys it seemed. My first day at school, I was going along pretty well, and fitting in right away as usual (thanks Mom!). When a MASSIVE black girl, reaching heights of 5'11'', and tipping the scales at a solid 230 comes up to me...it was DEANNA!

"Ye....yess??" I said this in my tiny little white petrified voice
"You eva dated a black gur?"
"A what?" I had no earthly idea what she had just said to me
"You hurd me, boy! A BLACK gur!"
"A black girl....uh, nnn....no."
"Well, you's about to!"
"I am? Nah, I don't think so..." I completely thought she was talking about herself. But to my surprise, she slowly pointed her big granny like elbow followed by her Planet Of The Apes finger to a very attractive, black girl.

I had nothing against it! Nothing at all...my parents never taught me to hate someone just because the color of their skin. Don't worry...(thanks again, Mom!)

"I I, I, I guess so, Deanna."
"Damn right, you guess so! Now go as hur out!"
So, I went and did exactly what I was told to do
She happily accepted, and I..not knowing what to think was glad this girl just didn't pound my skinny little white body into the concrete. I came home, smile on my face and BROKE the news to my mother and father, who's jaw's dropped and hit the floor. Just then, the phone rang. Yes, I know what you're thinking...you gave your number to Deanna Jones? YES! I did...and you would've too. Believe me! My mother answered the phone, and I heard the loud, amazon voice all the way from across the room...

"Is TREVUH there?!"
"Just a second please" said my confused and probably full of shame, mother.
" Hee...Hello?"
"TREVUH!! Look a outcha winda, boy!"
I opened the blinds and looked out....there stood Deanna Jones, cordless phone in hand, standing at the house caddy corner to mine.

WHAT?! Deanna Jones lives across the street from me?!

The End of Part I


amelia bedelia said...

OH MY LORD Trev!! I can just see your skinny little body shaking with fear over your new love! Im cracking up!

jill jill bo bill said...

Oh, dear God. I am hysterical knowing what is coming up. Don't forget about Kalee's part!! I can't wait for part 2!!! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I guess being a good story teller runs in the family! Now I am sitting on pins and needles waiting for part two....

careysue said...

You are so funny...just like your mom!

Can't wait until part 2...hurry up will you!!!

careysue said...

I'm adding you to my blog roll, so you have to update daily!

Unknown said...

OMGosh Trevuh! Hur up wit da part duex! Ya Hur me Boy!

OH lord ta day i am sooo not gansta-as my beans remind me of daily!

Can't wait to read more I wascompletely lmao!

Swirl Girl said...

Looking forward to part 2 - a little nervous for you , though.

Deanna said...

I am a blonde white Deanna Jones if you want to be friends I promise never to beat you up...
